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Natural Ways to Help Manage Hypothyroid Symptoms

Natural Ways to Help Manage Hypothyroid Symptoms

Have you noticed a change in your appetite? Have you had difficulty sleeping, heart palpitations, fatigue or hair thinning? These are just a few of the signs your thyroid may be out of whack. A staggering 20 million people (1) in the United States alone will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime and 60% (2) don’t even know they have a problem. At that, women are 5-8 times more likely (3) to develop a thyroid problem than men.

There are different types of thyroid imbalances, two of the main ones being hyperthyroid and hypothyroid. Hyper is when you have an overactive thyroid and you may, for example, lose weight quickly and feel shaky frequently. The more common thyroid problem among women is Hypo, which is an underactive thyroid, and you may, for example, put weight on, feel tired or cold frequently. Luckily, because this is a common issue, there are some great ways to treat hypothyroid issues and you won’t have to live with your negative symptoms for long if you take action.

Parker Naturals makes a fantastic supplement called Thyroid Support. This is a great natural alternative to drugs like levothyroxine or synthroid. Of course, you should check with your doctor before starting or switching to a new health protocol, but opting for something natural instead of synthetic can be a great place to start. Thyroid Support uses Vitamin B which helps to convert nutrients to energy and Copper and Schizandra to sharpen cognitive function for greater sharpness and clarity.

Mental fuzziness is often an unfortunate side effect of an untreated thyroid problem, so having these ingredients is a massive boost to your brain to stay alert and focus on tasks at hand. Additionally, thyroid support uses Ashwagandha (4), an increasingly popular adaptogen, or rather an herbal remedy that helps the body adapt to stress.

Thyroid Support also uses B12, Selenium and Zinc to improve skin and bone health and improve hair growth, as hair loss is a common side effect with thyroid issues. If that wasn’t enough, iodine and cayenne are some of the ingredients used to help jumpstart the metabolism as weight gain can often occur with an underactive thyroid.

Another important factor you should consider when treating a thyroid issue is gut health. Most of the body’s immune system stems from the gastrointestinal tract. If you have inflammation in the gut, it can be the cause of autoimmunities such as thyroid problems. Having a food allergy test done and figuring out what dietary changes might need to be made, can have a drastic effect on how well your thyroid functions.

Environment (6) also plays an integral role in thyroid health. Avoiding stressful situations, and learning how to manage stress, will also improve thyroid health as stress weakens the integrity of the G.I. tract. Parker Naturals has an array of great natural supplements to help you manage stress and improve gut health that can be viewed HERE.

The bad news is thyroid problems stink and can take a serious toll on your quality of life. The good news is, you’ve got options when it comes to treatment and you can drastically improve your quality of life, and basically live free of side effects if you’re vigilant about your health and make changes to your diet and environment. Parker Naturals wants to help you do just that, so check out Thyroid Support, and their wide range of life improving supplements HERE.

Parker Naturals Thyroid Support

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